Sweet Neo-Con

On the soon to be released Rolling Stones album there's a politically tinged song titled "Sweet Neo-Con". It's quite critical of some recent U.S. foreign policy moves.

CNN Story with video interview

Will Sir Mick and the boys be "Dixie Chicked" as the vast right wing conspiracy get their Ya-Yas out, or will the legions of still smoking 50-65 years olds rush to Give 'Em Shelter?
First, I think that a serious artist in any medium has an obligation to produce works that evoke an emotional response. Political subjects are certainly fair game! A rambling diatribe [either liberal or conservative] given during a concert or a press interview doesn't qualify as art, merely opinion...there is a difference!

Second, I find it amusing that some British artists will criticize the politics of the USA, and then set up residency here to avoid their high tax payments in the UK.

Third, Mick has not been able to sing live for some 20 years now!
Imagine that! After 20 years I just might have to buy a Rolling Stones Album!
; )
Exile on Main Street was the last serious listen I gave to the Stones. Sorry, I just can't take them serious.
I haven't heard anything good since "Some Girls" and even that album though eblematic of its time (Miss You= Disco Stones) it was still vastly inferior to Exile and previous work. Now Mick and the Boys look like those Kroft puppets. Totally irrelevant caricatures of themselves. The fact that they still sell out shows proves P.T. Barnum knew what he was talking about.