METALLICA!!!! No one will disagree,will they? This band just never stops getting better.Load,Re-load all classics.The B.O.C.cover of Astronomy off of Garage for sure one of the meanest,heaviest songs EVER! Metallica RULES!!!
Well Metallica's new stuff can't really be qualified as "Metal," but they're still among the best "Rock" bands of all time. AC/DC is among the elite as well. I would have to say the best Metal Band would be Metallica, however...nontheless. Come on folks, they're getting up in age. They've matured. They're just not the metal maniacs they used to be. I like their newer sh** better than their older stuff anyway!
Venom, Slayer, Celtic Frost, Bathory, Motorhead, Sabbath, Manowar, Cirith Ungol, Candlemass, etc.. You just can't beat "old school" metal. I never really got into Metallica to any great extent and now i'm glad of it. I have heard them slag their original fans MANY times over. Full tilt WANKERS in my book. I have to throw in an honourable mention for a local boy that "dun good" even though many people in the metal scene hate him: Paul Speckmann. He has been mentioned in dozens of metal mags as being one of the originators of "metal" as we know it today. Some of his bands are Master / Abomination / Death Strike / Speckmann Project / etc... There are cuts on the latest Master disc ( Faith is in Season ) that will absolutely punish your woofers with the most massive kick drums you've ever heard. I brought this disc with me to a few different shops. I was auditioning some speakers and wanted something to check out high volume bass definition and impact. The salesmen in both places absolutely freaked when they heard it at volume. One guy immediately pulled the disc and told me "this is the kind of stuff that breaks equipment" !!!! Nuff said ??? Sean >
I know it's been awhile since this thread was posted, but hey, who cares. My pick is TOOL. Metallica has sucked for the past 10 years. No one else even comes close to sounding like them. I also like Maynards side project- A Perfect Circle.
Grumpy, tool gets my vote for best MTV videos with the dolls in the dark prison cell, the meat in the pipes, and the sinister lanky black leatherette jailkeeper.....totally cool. My sympathies to anyone who thinks the crap Metallica makes now is metal, they are a sad joke of their former selves, IMO nothing has ever surpassed their 1st album "kill em all".......that album was all destroying, regards Sam.