Best female vocals on CD

Want recommendations for Female recordings on CD. Thanks Joe
Ginny Owens album Without Condition. Heavenly voice, worthwhile lyrics, style, tremendous engineering. Music lovers and audiophiles alike should enjoy this one. This really is a great album that will cause you to sit back and enjoy what your music system can do. It may take awhile to get accustomed to her vocal stylings. For me my enjoyment continues grow with each listening.
Dekay I normally don't listen much to show music other than some of the stuff I listened to as a kid growing up. I do however like to see shows and my wife and I will go to community theatre and see touring companies of broadway musicals. I have a copy of the 1988 RCA "Anything Goes" given to me by one of my broadway loving sisters. I hardly ever listen but will since you mention it.
Tubegroover - I really have to give my wife credit for most of the suggestions that I have posted in this thread. I know that this is why I snapped at Sluggo who I know nothing of other than his Boooooring post. I grew up in Des Moines listening mostly to "loud" popular music of the 60's and 70's and some instrumental jazz and big band stuff that my father had. I became overloaded with music in general after attempting to make a living writing and performing it when I moved to LA in the late 70's and literaly did not listen to music from 1985 to 2000. I had an extreme love for music and at the same time an extreme lack of talent which made for an extreme amount of frustration. Now I discover that I appreciate all types of music and musicians as long as their is an underlying talent that involves me in the music. I try to go to the local highschool fleamarket every Sunday and yesterday picked up two Cowboy Junkies CD's and the second Cranberries CD that were suggested in this thread. They are good bands producing sincere music. We do not listen to the radio or "borrow" with Napster so I would again like to take this opportunity to thank the people that have contributed to this thread. I showed my list to the vendor at the fleamarket who seems to have listened to "every album ever recorded" and he was very impressed with it.
I can't understand how everyone has managed to overlook Brittany Spears! Also, have you never heard of Cher? And speaking of extremely talented, single-name singers, who could forget Melanie? ("I Got a Pair of Brand New Rollerskates," "Beautiful People.")Edie Brickell? Shanna Twain? Joan Jett? Pat Benetar? Also, I'm not sure if she's female or not, but I think Barney's sidekick, Baby Bop, is awesome!