What a coincidence, Dalelogix! After pleasantly sitting through an hour or so of Krall's latest, I happened upon Fi magazine's sampler, and played Janis Ian's "Breaking Silence"---couldn't believe it was her! Wonderful lyric, magnificently sung. Now you've got me interested in finding the album...but where? Curiosity led me to dig out a Chesky vocal disc of a few years back (for the Liv Taylor cut), and I stumbled upon the tune by PEGGY LEE. Her complete mastery and flair really took me aback. I happened to have an older friend over who has 40+ years of jazz-listening experience, so when I told him I barely remembered the "White Owl Cigar" TV ad he laughed---and regaled me with stories of Ms. Lee's abilities with a song. So I found that Chesky Peggy Lee CD (on eBay), and am now marveling at what this chanteuse (who's voice is well past prime) can still do. Krall, Barber (isn't she great?), Pigeon, Upshaw, are all apprentices by comparison. Enjoy!