Great Acoustic Guitar Recordings

I've got a Michael Hedges ("Aerial Boundaries") and diMeola/deLucia/McLaughlin CD ("Friday Night In San Francisco"), and I'm looking to expand my collection. I truly enjoy the latter CD. Hedges is a little theedy-weedy for me though Any other suggestions you guys can turn me on to? Hedges is a little boring for my taste. Something that kicks over something entirely sedate is what I'm after. Don't get me wrong. I'm not looking for acoustic speed metal. ;) And try to hold off on the suggestions if there's singing involved. Other than that, hook me up with some new music to buy!
Try Bola Sete 'Tour de Force' on the Analogue Productions label and 'From all Sides Now,' his duet recording with Vince Guaraldi (on Fantasy). If you like acoustic guitar virtuosity with a Latin flavor, check them out. Also the Mclaughlin/diMeola/diLucia title 'Passion, Grace and Fire' is a good one. Get 'em on vinyl!
"The Guitarist John Williams". The BEST guitar CD i heard to date! Performs work by: Mikis Theodorakis, Carlo Domeniconi, Satie...etc. Also "Krusevo" Vlatko stefanovski, D. Tadic from M.A.recordings(stereophile R2df)