Went to Denver two weeks ago to hear an Accuphase demo system playing SACDs. I went wanting/expecting to be impressed. Etalon speakers, sound treated room, top end Accuphase amp, pre and SACD players. Lots of fellow audiophiles sitting around going owww ya. After moving from chair to chair and keeping my mouth shut and ears open for 30 minutes I said out loud the sound was indistict, bloted, and lacking highend detail. All of a sudden several of the other listeners declared they too had reservations. Actually I still don't believe what I heard. It's tough listening in an alien room through an entire system that your not familiar with so I will try again sometime at a different store/room etc. What concerns me is the number of golden ears that were ready to accept what I was hearing as the best they had ever heard. I have a system that most of you would rank as good but not great Sonic Frontiers SFD2M2/Line3/Krell KSA200s/Thiel 3.6s, and it was clearly better then what I heard. I really want the new technology to be better, I'm ready to buy but demo's can really dance on your head.
Gino makes a good point. Most of the reissues out there on SACD have been from analog tapes. Given my love of vinyl, I don't mind that, although the quality of those tapes is variable, and I'd prefer reissues from the best of the Decca, EMI and RCA catalogs to Columbia's (thank you, Classic Records, Testament and Speakers Corner). If, however, the master tape was made from a 16 bit digital machine, I'd avoid it because I would think that you're sure not going to get any more on an SACD than what was on that tape in the way of information--you'd might as well stick with the CD. As far as waiting for better players, I understand the point but fear that the medium is doomed to failure if there aren't enough sales of hardware and software at this time to justify it, and let's face it, the audiophile market is about all that really cares about the better sound quality. In this regard I'm perplexed at Sony's strategy of high-priced players and SACD-only, as opposed to hybrid, discs. Seems like they want it to fail....but that was another thread, I think.
gino: thank you for saying what i've wanted to express ever since keis first started this thread. i, too, am a friend and loyal customer of john barnes and audio unltd. i was at his openhouse as well. like you, i have an accuphase frontend (dp-90 and dc-300) and also avalon speakers (eidolons). i'm also blown away by the accuphase dp-75v. i'm awaiting an upgrade on my dc-300, which replaces the dac from the 90 to the same upsampling rig as the 75v. i'm planning to hang onto my dp-90 until the whole sacd/dvd-a battle is decided. i've listen extensively, however, to the dp-100 since its pre-usa introduction. not only does it present a magnificant rendering of sacd's (given the same limitations you note) but it also is an incredible deck for playing plain old cd's direct through the amp(s). FWIW, my older son is an internet radio consultant and knows much more than i about cutting-edge technology (he's also a 2nd generation 'phile with his own entry-level accuphase/avalon system). he has told me that an increasing number of pro music sources are on sacd and that portable sacd recorders are being gobbled up by sound studios. i hope this is a harbinger of things to come. if so, we may finally have something to compete head-to-head with our beloved vinyl.
Cornfed-- Much of interest in your post. Also re-read Reprince' re: holding back on the purchase of an SACD player until the dust settles or until more software is available. I think your approach is the best alternative at this point. As I understand it, you will be able to play use the 90 as a 24/196 upsampler--like the 75v--through the 300. Out of curiosity, who's doing the mods-Axiss? In any event, we are in process of moving to new digs in early February, so any audio considerations are on hold. My first order of business is to convert a full basement into a properly set up listening room. It'll be the first time I can open this system up to appreciate its potential! After that, I'll plunge back into it with John and Carl (Audio Unlimited) and see where this 24/196 and SACD thing goes. And it will be Accuphase as I believe nothing out there currently can touch it in either mode. Unfortunately, the 100-101 will always be too spendy for my audio budget, although it is, indeed, absolutely stunning. That's why I'd opt for the one-box player. I very much would like to hear your system, if possible. If interested, 303-751-3269 or