The Beatles

What the hell is the fascination with the beatles??? Please can anyone tell me why anybody likes them??? They were horrible musicians, their music was sugarcoated pop with cute hooks and they took themselves to be serious music writers with a message. Beethoven would probably would have laughed
Dekay I believe George DID play it on the White Album and Clapton played it on "All Things Must Pass" album, George's first solo. And Shubertmaniac right, you can't get the spelling right which means you've probably unscrewed too many bottles of Boone's Farm. You might want to ease up a bit on the pedal before you crash at 100 mph in that imaginary 63 Plymouth Furies with 383 dual quads in a summer of '65 that never existed but in your head. And by the way, if you can't note certain similarities, Bruckner DID worship Wagner. But thanks anyhow for the discourse and opening the thread. And safe driving.