Best Music Review Resource

A recent thread brought up discussion of incorrect reviews by Stereophile of the SONIC qualities/ratings of reviewed music. What are some resources that you have found to be helpful and accurate? Thanks, Charlie.
So far, the absolute best advice I have gleaned has been on this site. I thank you all. Charlie.
Ditto: This site. The mini reviews at BMG and Columbia are hard to swallow, even many of the ones taken from pro reviews, IMO. Perhaps we could have more music threads. Audiogon does not seem to mind, though I do not think that it is what they would prefer the most. I run across a lot of good/odd and cheap music at the thrift stores and flea markets, the last being "Steve Windwood/Junction 7" which is one of his more together albums to date and a good R&B listen. Oh, and two bucks:-)
In the UK-two mags review music in this way and should I guess be available in the States or elsewhere. Hi-Fi + a quarterly mag and Hi-Fi News (probably the best hi-fi mag.)review music with regards the sonics...they seem reasonably accurate in terms of sonics. Although I buy little music reviewed in them The regular music monthlies tend not to approach the actual sonics on releases (occassionaly the production is mentioned) except when dealing with remasters.
If you are looking for a good classical music review publication, American Record Guide is one I can heartily endorse. They seem to be less influenced by advertiser's revenues than many others. You will have to endure the editor's endless invective against popular music though. They don't focus specifically on a recording's audiophile attractions, tending instead to focus on the musical virtues or lack thereof.