Well I started out 8 yrs ago with a very small pair of boston acoustics speakers and a denon receiver, which I thought was the best.Always read stereophile and saw the Levinson gear and said I will never have that!! Well Iam now 31 and I have a Mark Levinson 335 a Mark Levinson 38 a Theta Miles and Martin Logan SL3s and Iam now in the process of buying the levinson 39. It took a long time to get hear and when you do you will appreciate what you have more than the person who had it handed to them on a silver platter. I am dont have a lot of money at all so your not alone. One peice of advice I can give you, As you upgrade get a peice of gear that you now will stay if you dont have enough for what you want just wait or you will be selling what you just bought for a loss and thats something we have all been through. so good luck you will get there. here is one more example, If your budget is low simplify your system like I did I bought a 331 for 2,400 and a theta miles for 2,000 now the theta can be run directly into the amplifier it was designed that way so you cut the cost on the preamp. tkae little steps but be sure they are the proper ones. best wishes Dan