Which would be the best system that...

..you would build with only 6000 bucks? I want to start my first system and this is my budget for this purpose. Please help me with some suggestions. Thanks a lot.
Hello Bryan:

I am going to cut to the chase here and expand onto what the others have said here so far. But needless to say, for about $6K, you should be able to net a fine sounding system, no matter whether you are buying new or used. The difference being if you buy new, then you are buying equipment that is going to be representative to what is being offered at that price point today, whereas if you buy used, then whatever pieces you are buying used today could have very well been part of a $20K to $30K (or $35K) system a few years back. Although, these very pieces no longer represent what is considered "state-of-the-art" in audio today, these are still very good pieces whatsoever. Like the others that has responded before me, I am also an advocate and a proponent to buying used, but only when the situation calls for it. Otherwise, I am also open to buying new. But just like I said, that depends on what your particular needs and wants are, and where you are trying to head when you are assembling your system.

So, with that said then, let's take a look at a few systems here.

System # 1 (and that would be MY system):

Speakers -- KEF Reference 102 Speaker System w/KUBE Equalizer -- $900.00 in 1988 (but if they were purchased brand new today, they would retail for around $1,300.00).

Amplifier -- Adcom GFA-545 MkII (a "bipolar" design rated at 100 Watts Per Channel) -- $600.00 in 1991, but purchased used for $250.00.

Preamplifier -- Adcom GFP-750 Passive/Active Line Stage (but no phono) -- $1,250.00 (in my opinion, one of the "undisputed" values at its price point).

FM Tuner -- Magnum Dynalab FT-101 -- $590.00 (costs more used than it did when it was brand new, but then again, did you check the latest prices on the FT-101A?? And as a bonus, I can still have my FT-101 upgraded to an FT-101A later on).

CD Player/Changer -- JVC XL-M509TN -- $400.00 in 1994. This is all I have right now, but I am considering something else more serious than the JVC right now. I was and still looking at the Meridian 506.24. But now, my acquiring a Meridian 506.24 appears to be in jeapordy. Why?? Because now, with newer (and lower priced) 24 bit/96 khz. CD Players starting to crop up and hit the market (namely, the Rega Planet 2000 and the Arcam CD72...... $950.00 and $800.00 respectively), and with newer formats (DVD-A and SACD) coming up on the horizon, I now beginning to question the need to spend more than $1,000.00 on a CD Player. Especially now, when you can get an SACD Player for just $800.00 (namely, a Sony SCD-C333ES). So, unless I can get a used or demo Meridian 506.24 for about the same price as a brand new Rega Planet 2000 or Arcam CD72, the idea of acquiring the Meridian appears to be going by the wayside. Think of it now, when I can get an Arcam CD72 (a stiff chassis, build quality, a high quality transport, 24 bit/96 khz. dacs, upgradability, AND great sound on top of that?? For $800.00?!?!?!!!!!) for $800.00, then you can figure out which way I am leaning toward on the fence. Afterwards, I won't be making anymore "digital" purchases until either newer high resolution format is decided upon (DVD-A or SACD) or an affordable, high quality universal digital player finally hits the market.

Cassette Deck -- Nakamichi BX-300 -- $595.00 (in 1987).

Cables -- MITerminator 2 and 3 Interconnects -- $80.00 and $45.00 respectively (if purchased from Audio Advisor).

That would be one system you can start out with. Or, if I was buying an all new system today, and I was determined to go the "USED" route, then this would be the system I would hope to net when it is all said and done.

Speakers -- Vandersteen 3A Signatures -- $1,600.00 (used).

Power Amplifier -- McCormack Power Drive DNA-0.5 -- $800.00 (used).

Preamplifier -- McCormack TLC-1 Transparent Line Stage -- $600.00 (used).

CD Player -- Sony SCD-777ES -- $1,500.00 (used).

Cables -- MIT CVTerminator -- $750.00 (used).

Speakers Cables -- MIT MH-750 Shotgun "Bi-Wired" -- $550.00 (used).

Or still you can look at the other posters that has posted before me and take a hard look at some of their choices as well. They have some very good equipment choices listed here. But whatever route you take, just note that before you can get any enjoyment out of any of these systems listed (whether it be mines or the other two posters before me), just note that patience, room size, acoustics and proper system matching will all be BIG keys to netting an enjoyable system later on when your system is finally finished.

Good luck.

Hello again, Bryan:

Oh, I forgot to list in my OWN system, what speakers cables I am using. They are also the MITerminator 2 Speaker Cables. These are the "single wired" version. And they cost $120.00.

Sorry for the omission.

First of all, take your time. Though there are good systems listed on this thread, I would hang out on the forums for awhile to catch the overall tone as to what is available and sounds good to the members. There is a lot of valuable info on these forums. Another resource is audioreview.com where you can get reviews on various components. With your budget you will be able to put together a good system if you stay in the used market and a decent one if new. If you have a good HiFi store in your area they can be very helpful. That will be your quickest way into a system but if you have the time and do the research you can pick up many goodies on the used market that will reward you with great sound. Happy hunting