Candles are lit, lights are down low

....and your honey is in your arms...Now what music do you put on?
I am inspired by the some of the posts to a recent thread "Close your eyes and hear the music ?" to ask this question in an attempt to get more "value added" from my electronic investment.
Grover Washington: Limelight. any Andreas Vollenweider. Dire Straits: Love Over Gold (or) Brothers In Arms. Brian Ferry: Taxi. Roxy's Avalon also gets my vote (great suggestion there Sutts). any Kenny G. Shadowfax. Santana: Supernatural. And for 'the big finish': 1812 Overture!
Charlie Haden - the new 'Nocturne' or his duett with Chris Anderson will do very nicely.
David its all about setting off her Mojo or didn't you know? You like those rough girls or what? Whatever ignites her fireworks. Sounds like Kubla had an Edith Piaf experience "La Vie En Rose" maybe? Hey Kubla we've crossed the bridge into a new century, its not 1935 anymore but maybe you know some old fashioned girls? I personally like Morris Alpert's "Feelings" which should be in the "guilty pleasures" thread.