Best thread poster for 2001?

Who is the best thread poster for 2001. There have been some great posts during 2001. There seem to about 20 to 25 people who do a lot of the posting. All seem to have a great love of audio and a lot on knowledge and respect for others opinions. My vote would go to cfb.
Wish my memory for names was better, so I'll just thank you all for helping me navigate my way to building a reference system that is continuing to change my life.
I hit 1/2 century this year, and am seeing my tiny used-Subie business drop precipitously as many folks are lured by low-interest schemes for new cars, so I'm trying really hard to give myself permission to let go of the grindstone a bit and both listen to music (live as well) and pound my Steinway more. I bought sheet music for all of the Beethoven variations, sonatas, and even the Liszt etudes (what masochism!) while on vacation last week. Should keep me busy at least past the end of the two-channel era, eh?
Thanks especially to Ken, Sugarbrie, RedKiwi, Sean, Kelly, BobC, and a multitude of others in our menagerie.
A Better 2002 to All! Ernie
Thanks so much for the kind words, Sdcambell. However, I think that you are the generous one, in terms of passing along e-mails. I have a lot of gratitude for the diverse subject matter and viewpoints you share with me(and others). Also, your audio acumen is a model for all. In my mind, a person who can seek out the brands that offer such high value and fantastic sound as Bryston, HomeGrown Audio, Kimber, and Vandersteen represents someone who should be emulated.

My thanks also to the many GOOD friends I have made during my time here.

A short list of people who REALLY deserve some recognition(in my mind) for all they have contributed here: Albertporter, Asa, Brulee, Carl_eber, Dekay, Ehider, Eldragon, Garfish, Ikinat, Leafs, Sdcambell, Sean, Sedond, Sutts, Swampwalker, Tom_nice, Tubegroover...(the list goes on - I know I am forgetting some great people)
Rivercitylad, this is a wonderful thread you have started. I didn't want to respond because I know I am going to leave someone off my list as Trelja stated.
Cornfedboy, you have given me many laughs. You can be a bit salty but I know you have a heart of gold. I read all your posts so I know what I am talking about. Pops, Jtinn, Kitch29, Dekay, Sutts, Garfish, Subaruguru, Caterham, Wellfed, kalan, Leafs, and all those mentioned above. My best friend Jcbtubes has given more than I can ever repay. With the exception of Jcbtubes I have not met any of you. Yet I feel a strong friendship with all. Trelja and Rmml have been as good as friends one can find. Thanks to all the old regulars and the new. My MVP (most valuable posters) has to go to Redkiwi and Caterham. Thanks to all of you and to the Audiogon staff.
My vote goes for in no particular order... Albert, Cornfed, Redkiwi, Sean, Dekay, Angela, Subaruguru and lot's more which I can't remember off the top of my head. Many thanks to all of you for making this site what it is... great.