Best system under 5K - that is a challenge

Describe the best system you could put together for under $5K (new) - used you just have to be a good scavenger and $5K because it would be challenging. What criterion did you use in putting it together? Why did you choose the brands you mention?
Marakanetz - Was given the same ($500) challenge by my good friend a couple of years ago. $100 Thorens (forget the model number), $100 used inexpensive Polk monitors, $300 Fischer 100B integrated (post Fischer Doc). (Of course we went over budget with the Grado green cart and I had to give him speaker cable for his birthday, but the system sounds pretty good for the money).
I recently put together a system for a friend based on info gleaned here, from friends and AA, attempting to get the biggest bang for the buck. Ended up with Maggie MMG's, NAD C-370 integrated (both new) and a used Arcam Alpha 7. Total cost about $1200. I set it up Mon night for her, and nearly defecated in my pants when I fired it up it was so good. Speakers and amp brand spankin new right out of the box this little system sounded glorious, dynamic, great stage, beautiful midrange and highs, and the biggest surprise of all, pretty damn good bass. I've had/heard systems that cost many multiples of this that didn't sound this good.
Okay Salsero:

You want me to put together what I think is the best possible system I can put together for about $5K that is a challenge??

Okay then Salsero, you're on!!!!!!!

Let's see here:

Speaker System: Vandersteen 2Ce (early production model -- 1993-96..... stands included) -- $900.00 (used).

Power Amplifier: McCormack Power-Drive DNA-0.5 -- $600.00 (used).

Preamplifier: McCormack TLC-1 (buffered version) -- $500.00 (used).

DVD/CD/SACD Player: Sony DVP-S9000ES -- $600.00 (used).

Jitter Reduction System: Theta TLC + High Current Power Supply (to be used between the Sony DVP-S9000ES and the Theta Chroma DAC) -- $250.00 (used).

D/A Converter: Theta Chroma (for Redbook CD Playback) -- $300.00 (used).

Phono Stage: Monolithic PS-1 + HC-1 Dual Mono Phono Stage + High Current Power Supply -- $425.00 (used).

Turntable/Arm System: Rega Planar 25/Rega RB600 -- $800.00 (used).

Phono Cartridge: Grado Reference Sonata -- $500.00 (new).

Interconnect Cables: MITerminator 2 and MITerminator 3 -- Free (used...... I already own these, and I find them to be EXTREMELY trustworthy....... so therefore, I am going to cheat a little bit and use the cables I already own...... so acquiring these will not cost me anything).

Speaker Cables: MITerminator 2 -- $185.00 (new....... I would sell my existing "single-wire" pair to recoup some of the cost and upgrade to the "bi-wired" ones so that I can "bi-wire" the Vandies).

Power Conditioning: Monster Cable HTS2500 -- Free -- (used...... I am going to hold on to my power conditioner too).

Actually, this was the system that I also considered building five years ago before I decided to go ahead and started building my current system. Only during that time, the original 1997 system was going to feature a Pioneer Elite PD-65 as my CD Player, and then I was going to combine it with the Theta Jitter Reduction System and DAC that is stated above. And then, I have developed some sort of facination with SACD now, so out goes the Pioneer Elite PD-65 and in comes the Sony DVP-S9000ES. Oh, and that system did not include an analog playback system back then either (wasn't into analog back then like I am now) But nonetheless though, this was a $10,000.00 system back in 1997, and now, I know I can assemble it for under $5,000.00. So then with that said, that wasn't so hard, was it Sal (LOL)?????


If you want me to do a home theater system for that same $5K, then I can do that too. And here's what that will look like too.

Speaker Package: Snell Acoustics K.5 Mk II -- $2,000.00 (used).

Audio/Video Receiver: Denon AVR-3802 -- $650.00 (used).

Television/Monitor: Panasonic PT-47WX49 HD RPTV (16:9 47") -- $2,000.00 (new).

DVD Player: Pioneer Elite DV-37 -- Free (used....... I will use my existing player).

Interconnects and Component Video Cables: Monster Cable Video 2 -- Free (used....... use the ones I already have).

Speaker Cables: Monster Cable "M" Series -- $600.00 (new).

Power Conditioning: Monster Cable HTS1000 -- Free (used...... again, I am going to use the one I already own).

Okay Sal....... you didn't get me at all on the audio system, but I believe you got me on the home theater this time around (I'm about $200.00 over budget), so with that said then, think you can spot me $200.00 (LOL...... And begging forgiveness)????

