Best looking / worst looking amps & preamps

OK, this week we garnered opinions on the best looking and ugliest speakers. Now it's time to assess the best looking and worst looking amps and preamps. To make the discussion more focused, let's confine choices to amps and preamps manufactured since 1980. Ready....GO!
The ugliest amps and pre-amps I've ever seen have to be those made by Linear Technology. Baby-poop brown glossy plastic faceplates, cheap-radio-style brown plastic knobs (or somestimes large aluminum knobs), and glossy bright yellow plastic sideplates. They are only slightly outdone by the single ugliest component ever made, the Linear Technology channel divider, which has more knobs. I was dying to find a good picture to add here but find only the following link (which but hints at greatness):
- 3rd picture down in bottom left shows mono power amps (M-151)
- 7th picture down top of rack shows pre-amp P-101 Mk II
I'm surprised no one has mentioned the Jadis equipment, which is nice eye candy. Lamm is great equipment, but given its price it has to go in the ugly category, at least the amps.
Interesting topic. Unfortunately high end gear is pretty darn ugly.

McIntosh does a good job of producing a unique looking product - which is attractive - to some. See the Tube MC2000 for a splendid example.

Rcprince is correct about both the Jadis and LAMM gear. However, I have always wondered why Jadis puts the tubes in the back. It seems they would look better if the tubes were front facing.

T_bone! You might have found the ugliest gear ever! That Linear Technology stuff is horribly ugly.

Enjoy the Music's Tube Lust page has quite a few examples of beautiful equipment.

Beautiful Preamp??
Supratek Syrah preamp

ugliest-Nagra, some of the older Naim. Prettiest-Wadia, Hovland pre.,McIntosh tube.
How about the Art Audio Jota? It loooks nice to me. Emotive amps or preamps are beautiful too. I just dislike "tank" look... would prefer more tubes gears' look.