What companies have gone above and beyond?

I have had a few products back to the manufacturer for different reasons. Some companies have been fantastic to deal with while others have been a disappointment. Sota was so good I couldn't believe it. Aragon was almost as good. What companies have you dealt with that provided exceptional service?

Thanks for mentioning Jim White at Theta. However you may now praise him for his work at Aesthetix.

Theta's digital genus left and now builds the finest phono stage so we analog guys can get better music.

Should you ever find yourself in need of such, his personality and helpful nature has not changed except now he is perhaps even more excited since making a go of it on his own.
Transparent cables and Mark Levinson did it for me. I had purchased a pair of ultra brick demo's and they upgraded them for no charge and repackaged them. Levenson tech/service is just outstanding.
Conrad-Johnson did repairs under warranty to my amp that were neccesitated by tube failure when running aftermarket and NOS tubes they recommended against, for no charge. Thiel sent replacement drivers under warranty for ones that were damaged by my own carelessness in zapping them with high-level feedback, for no charge. Theta repaired my DAC under THE PREVIOUS OWNER'S warranty when it arrived with problems after he shipped it to me, still no charge. The high-end commonly offers a level of service that would be unthinkable in most industries where the profits are much, much bigger. We are lucky to be in a hobby with manufacturers such as these.
I've been extremely happy with the technical support from Pass Labs and Balanced Audio Technologies. ARC is good too - though I feel they charge too much for parts.

For dealers (in Portland OR), I have received great service and advice from Jonathan Tinn of Chambers Audio (chambersaudio.com), and Kurt & Jim at Echo Audio (echohifi.com).