I wanna hear some "audio" jokes...and

real life experiences or blunders. Don't be shy, I promise I'll laugh!
Ok, more a musician joke, fellow keyboard players will be able to relate best:

How do you get a guitar player to play softer?
Make him read sheet music.

What do you call a guitar player without a wife or girlfriend?

What do you say to a guitar player in a three piece suit?
"Would the defendant please rise?"
How many audio snobs does it take to bias a set of 6922's?
None. They're solid state guys - TUBES? we don't need no steenkin' tubes.
...how do you make a rock guitar player to stop playing?
--Give him a sheet music!
...what is the difference between viola and violin?
--Burns longer.

for more audio jokes please follow the cable posts, posts about tweaks and how other different junk changes the sound here on audiogon.