Your Favorite Austin City Limits

Eric Taylor was on Austin City Limits last night and I was reminded how many great performances there were on that show week after week. For me, two shows really stand out: Stevie Ray Vaughn and the Allman Brothers. SRV played with so much feeling so effortlessly that it seemed like he was drawing inspiration and grace right out of the air -- if there is a muse, I experienced it's manifestation.

What about you? What are the great shows? Have you "discovered" new music you didn't hear before? Are you addicted?
Don Williams on PBS "Soundstage". Finest performance of live music. Truly, close to perfection. WHEN CAN WE HAVE THESE ON DVD????
Neil Young did a great Austin show with the International Harvesters a few years back. It was great to hear him do "Are There Any More Real Cowboys" for the cowboys (not too many in that crowd; pity).
Monte Montgomery - Woke me straight up at midnight and kept me there til he was done.
Pbb, you raise a good point. When I watch performances like these, the sound system itself becomes far less important -- I focus on the musicians themselves and their performances. The music flows with them. That can't be duplicated on our audio-only systems. Is that maybe the biggest reason for "upgrade fever"? Hmmm ...