Who Are You? or should I say "who were you?"

I usually read and do not reply to these posts; but after some family reunions the last month was curious "Who are you?" I will say that my family members are very familiar to most everyone in the U.S.; will list at later my relatives. Hope this makes some of you smile a little, Charlie
Got home today an saw the post and was not impressed with my communication skills. Had thought it obvious while talking to my sister on the phone and typing at the same time. My intention had been "who were you relatively (meaning relatives!); and i missed. Anyway, have found out that my relatives i referred to are Francis Scott Key on my mothers mother side and George Armstrong Custer on my mothers father side. Sorry about the poor wording in the post, Charlie
My, my, that makes this even more difficult, Texan. Under this new light, I'll have to ponder the question a bit... under the perspective, "given your relatives, who the h*ll are YOU"?
Thanks for the responses guys, feel as though i have a little more in common with the people here. I usually just read the posts and never chime in, my work keeps me out of town frequently. Who i am? No one special, the famous must have run out by my arrival! I enjoy some of the same mentioned earlier in this post, outdoors, hunting/fishing (wanting to learn to fly fish), music-mostly classic hard rock,and my family. I also leave my music on 24/7 and only turn it down when asleep, have bought two new vehicles before but now own nothing newer than a 1974 IHC Scout. Best to everyone, Charlie
I'm a recovering Catholic who barely escaped seminary unscathed. So had to get into drugs 'n drink and blow up a career in laboratory equipment design (ever heard of the Pipetman?...that's my baby) and a premature marriage to get over it. A decade later I married an older secular NY Jewess and returned to hands-on work, and am now comfortable enough to revisit my familial Catholic clergy ancestors and their stories of miraculous cures and unexplained phenomena. A maternal aunt started and ran an order of nuns, and was responsible for building several hospitals in the 70-80s, staffing them with young maidens she recruited from the third world, teaching them nursing, and then sending most back to establish clinics in their homelands. A true unsung heroine, and an early mentor....

So I've come a bit full circle, trying to wear life like a loose coat amidst my recovering-Catholic history and current quasi-serious Tai Chi practice. Life's pretty good, but WHY do I have to keep tweaking my system? Aaargh!