Pro vs. Consumer Equipment

One of the best set-ups I ever heard was a Crown preamp feeding a McIntosh amp driving a custom built cabinet featuring JBL professional speakers. I've also read quite a bit about professional cables being a lot less expensive and just as good as consumer cables. Earlier today, D911 posted a thread on the professional ART SL-1 power amp.

Across the board, these professional solutions seem to be very high quality at a much lower price point than the consumer equipment. So what's your experience? How many of you are running professional equipment in your set-ups? What are some great recommendations? Does this work better with some kinds of music than with others? Thanks in advance.
Hi David. It's still there under "What's the best amp you know of?" I recopied the thread address:
David, I'm at a loss to explain it -- I can get to the thread, but perhaps because I responded to it. I copied the thread address I gave you to the Address line in the internet bar and got there right away. I then searched under the name of the thread -- What's the best amp you know of -- and got there. Since you already tried the address, can you get there via the search routine?
It's gone. They gave me some lame excuse for removing it. Sean all i can say is that you should audition the amp. As far as the DIO, I don't know your' likes or dislikes or if you ever heard the unit, but it murdered my former Sony SCD-1. And all the other high end gear I compared it to: Linn CD12, Accuphase DP100/DP101 combo, Elgar gear. There were a lot more comparisons, but I think that the gear I listed above sums up that I have been exposed to some of the so-called best high-end gear around.

Best regards,