Marketing Ideas

I've noticed that Audiogon has what appear to be sister sites such as Videogon for HT and Photogon for cameras and accessories. How about offering up some new ideas for websites that cater to collectors. Who knows, maybe it will give them some ideas. Or at least a good laugh. Such as -

Autogon - for car afficionados

By gon - for antiques

Dog gon - for pet paraphenalia

Gon fishin' - for the outdoorsman

Penta-gon - for military collectors

Remember to keep it in relatively good taste. ;o)
How about "Long Gon" for those of us who spend too much time and money on Audiogon.

"Strip-o-Gon" for the enlightened discussion of gentlemen's clubs.

"Going, Going, Gon" for an auction watch service.

"Cong Gon" a place where Vietnam vets can reminiesce about their days of cooking C-rations over a flaming C-4 Claymore mine.

"F'n Gon" where people talk about crazy sh*t they just need to get off their chest.

I think we need some AudioGOONs here on Audiogon to drop an elbow down on the foreheads of all the deadbeat sellers and buyers that have ripped us off.