Headphone I can stand for more than 1 hour

Every headphone I have ever had starts to drive me crazy after 1 hour. I started with the Sennheiser HD 414. Warm foam cushions and push too much on my ears. Tried the AKG K-1000. Too heavy and push on the side of my head. Grado SR 325 - too warm. Why can't anyone make a headphone that sounds good and one I can use for a couple of hours? Have you found a comfortable one yet?
The most comfortable phones that I have are: Sony R-10, Sony CD3000, Stax Omega II, Beyerdynamics DT-880, DT-770 Pro, DT-990 Pro, Sennheiser HD-600, Audio Technica W-100. I totally agree that the AKG K-1000s put a lot of pressure on your temple, as do most Grado headphones. Other than the Sony R-10's and Stax Omega II's, all of the other cans mentioned above are reasonably priced (from under $200 to $400 range) and widely available.
Beyerdynamic DT880 and AKG K501 should be all right for a long listening.
Certainly more comfortable than SR225.
Grado's RS1 is not as bad as the rest.
I'm a stax man. I have owned the Gamma and the lambda and they are comfortable and have the sound I crave.

Yeah....... what about the Sennheiser HD-580's or the HD-600's??? I happen to own a pair of Sennheiser HD-580's, and I have had mine for two years going now. And let me tell you, of all of the phones that I have owned in my life (mainly, the mass market shit that has came with the personal stereos that I have purchased over the last 20 years or so (and then I have also bought better phones when I have purchased my personal stereos, because the ones that always came with my portables have sucked worse than the 15 year old Hoover Vacuum Cleaner I have recently replaced)....... but I have tried out some AKGs and some Grados too...... because I wanted to buy some more serious phones for my audio system), the Sennheiser HD-580 are by far the most neutral sounding phones I have ever owned, and the most comfortable BY FAR. I was afraid that when these phones that these phones were going to be discontinued at first. But when I found out that Sennheiser is still going to continue manufacturing them, I was delighted by the revelation, as well as the price drop that has taken place at the time (from about $350.00 to about $200.00) at the time, so then, I went ahead and purchased me a pair. Don't have no regrets about doing so either.

I am thinking about either purchasing me a second pair for use with my audio system only, and continue using the pair I own now just for home theater and for portable listening.

I didn't mention that they sounded great with home theater either, did I???

Stax Lamba Pro - I can sit with them on my head indefinately - which is a problem! LOL.