The finest technically recorded album. LP or CD

My two favorites: Nora Jones LP and Willie Nelsons " Star Dust" LP

No disagreement from me although I haven't heard any of the Eminem CD's you mention, just a few cuts here and there. Unless it's available on vinyl it won't get an audition in my system because I don't have a CDP. And, you're right this isn't about the merits of rap.
Slappy-Im glad you mentioned the "Is rap and hip hop music?" thread.
Has anyone noticed its gone??
It was getting very interesting and lots of 'goners put alot of effort into it only to have the censor police yank it! Shame!!
Anyone else get pissed when they contribute to threads and watch the thread grow only to have it deleted?
Lugnut-Eminem releases are avaliable on vinyl and sound EVEN BETTER than the CD versions.