Maggie 1.6 - Best Amp? Thinking about tubes.

Shanling CDT -100
Siltech Classic interconnects
Kimber Bi-focal X cables
Richard Gray
Bryston 4B-SST
Run directly into Amp.
Female vocals, jazz, rock n roll
Ag insider logo xs@2xbrett11
Maggies are great. Tubes are great. The combination is problematical.

Maggies like lots of power. My MG1.6 sound better than ever with CarverPro ZR1600 digital amp, and the cost is minimal.
You're going to need something pretty beefy, they're not an easy load.
Saw a pair of VTL 225s advertised here yesterday, that would be a sweet match.
BAT or Audio Research monoblocks would also be great.

It all depends on your budget. Many solid state options will work for less money. I love tubes, and prefer them in most cases, but it will cost you. How much are you thinking of spending?
A number of people run the Maggies with Rogue Magnum M120's or the New M150's. Jim