Maggie 1.6 - Best Amp? Thinking about tubes.

Shanling CDT -100
Siltech Classic interconnects
Kimber Bi-focal X cables
Richard Gray
Bryston 4B-SST
Run directly into Amp.
Female vocals, jazz, rock n roll
Ag insider logo xs@2xbrett11
I agree that it costs too much to use tubes. I had Rogue Magnum 120s with my Maggie 1.6s and they ran out of steam pretty quickly. In comparison with 3 other amps that were all solid state, the Rogues sounded lifeless. This was with Rogue 99 Magnum pre, Sony 9000ES CD player and AZ wire.
I have both and perhaps with the right tube amp--- but for me toobs can't pull it off with maggies.

I am now running an Odyssey Stratos Extreme amp that has totally awoken my 1.6 QR's. Unbelievable! See my system. I believe that a tube preamp contributes greatly to the overall sound. It doesn't hurt having a Cary 308T as a source either! Life is good!

Solid state for tube lovers? Perhaps a Pass Labs single ended amp or a Sunfire amp(those have two sets of outputs; one of them has a tubey flavor to it), these are worth checking out, if you don't want to a pair of room heaters. Sounds like the consensus is that a smaller tube amp won't get the job done.
