Best Downgrades you've done

Like many in this hobby, I've learned (the hard way) that more $ doesn't necessarily translate into better sound. On a couple of key areas, I have traded in the "hot" product for a "sleeper" replacement and was very happy witht the result. Here are two examples:

1. Exchanged a PS Audio P300 for a Balanced Power Technology BPjr. The latter provided a smoother, darker background, and just let my gear do its thing. And it's less than half the size. Net savings: $350.00.

2. Exchanged Acoustic Zen Reference Matrix MK-2s for an older pair of Nordost Red Dawns. Connected b/n the CDP and the pre, this combination provided a much more balanced sound with a lot less "in-your-face" presentation. Net savings: $100.00.

All of this gear was used, purchased here on Audiogon.

Of course, I realize that "individual results may vary," but I'm curious to know if anyone else has had success with actually spending less money for particular components. Thanks!
A few months back, I sold my Straightwire Crescendo IC's and went with Virtual Image Pile Driver 18's. The V.I. cables cost about 1/3 of the Crescendo's and just flat-out smoked them. Definite upgrade in SQ and a downgrade in price!!
Eosone RSF-600s to Wharfedale Emerald 97s. Paid about $500/demo at Best buy to $200/new+shipping at uBid. I no longer have either set of speaker though. Everything else I've bought cost more than what it replaced.
Here's one VERY significant one: I have traded in my Rogue 88 power amp/ VTL 2.5 pre ($2,000) for a used ASL integrated that I got here for $350.00. I was also able to sale the interconnects b/n the pre and the power, for even more cost savings. I have netted roughly $1,850 in pocket money.

In a lot of ways, the li'l ASL outperforms the Rogue/VTL (quieter running, excellent resolution, and that sweet SET sound). To be sure, I'm down in the bass department, but it's not like it's unlistenable.

At any rate, I'm amazed by what can happen with just a little experimentation; you don't always have to spend more money to get the same or better sound.