I would like to know the sites

Hi. I would like to know the sites on which classical discs are recommended. I make a request for it. Thanks.
Rushton,thanks a lot for your replies. I am sorry that I asked an incorrect question. I would like to know Q&A sites about classical discs. I make once more request for it. Thanks.
Bluesky, I'm sorry to have misinterpreted your original question. By "Q&A sites," do you mean sites on the internet where you can engage others in discussions about classical recordings? If so, the following are sites in which I participate for that sort of discussion. If not, please help me understand what you need and I'll try again.

These are the sites I enjoy for conversation about classical music and recordings:

1. Audiogon's "Music" forum - not as much discussion about classical music as I wish there were.

2. Audio Asylum's "Music Lane" forum or "Vinyl" forum (for music on vinyl).

3. Newsgroup: rec.music.classical.recordings (either directly through a newsgroup reader or through Google). This is actually one of the best locations for discussions that stay focused on just classical music. Very broad participation base.

4. The Phonogram listserv for music on vinly (email based discussion, lots of classical music discussed, but this is an LP discussion group, not CD). You can recieve it either in individual emails as they are posted, or in digest form. Since this is a volunteer operation, an annual donation (US$12 or more suggested) is requested to help pay for the operation of the server. To subscribe, send an email to:
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