Best of Audiogon Members

Gold member "audiogoners" who have most advanced your knowledge of AUDIO/MUSIC with their posts and answers (yet have no commercial interest), members who have taken their precious time to answer your emails and more, members who make this site what it is,........the BEST AUDIOGONER'S.
I'll start with a couple with many to follow: Golden_ears, Ceol, Tireguy, Rlips.....

Thank you for the kind comments. I too am so appreciative of the myriad of excellent suggestions from so many members. I think it was Sogood51 who wrote, "if you can hear the sub, it's too loud." What a difference such comments make.

There is no question that my road into this hobby would have been one riddled with potholes had it not been for the invaluable foundation laid out by Marco (Jax2). Whether recommending components or music, his matchmaking capabilities are unmatched.

This is one amazing community.

I can only echo the many names already mentioned. I've learned a lot from the members of this community, and I continue to enjoy the comraderie and pursuit of our shared obsession: music reproduced in the home in great sound quality. Without trying to name specific individuals: Thanks to all of you who contribute to the conversation.

Last but not least Mr STEVE at "Sound Video". Thanks Steve for helping me from the bigining of my HomeTheater journey.

On a tangent, I would like to nominate some of the Audiogoners who have become close friends, who I don't really see much of anymore, and I miss dearly here in the forums. The people on this list are as knowledgeable and passionate an audiophile as one will EVER meet.

God knows that I am going to forget a few. In alphabetical order - or as close as this dummy can come to it:
Brulee - a divine being, without question THE BEST EVER!!!
Carl_eber - Audiogon was at the zenith when he was the big dog
Dekay - relentless, passioned, incredible
Garfish - smart, practical, intellectual, kind, sense of humor
Gthirteen - salt of the earth, realistic, moving forward
Jadem6 - sensitive(overly?), zealous, meticulous
Jcbtubes - seen and heard the best, and can build it, like the true stars in life he was modest
Joecoherent - Silverline, Silverline, Silverline
Leafs - tells it like it is, hockey, Coincidents, Well Tempered, and Rogue
Natalie - uhhh, see above?
Redkiwi - sharp wit, different perspectives, valuable
Rockvirgo - no BS, knows the wheat from the chaff
Sedond - funetik speling (tuna = tuner), halaireus, miss him deerly
Sluggo - the prankster

And, whoever the guy was who initiated a thread, asked a question, answered it for himself, and then asked himself out for a drink, Albertporter and I will forever remember you.