Who's got the best user name?

There are lots of descriptive or hillarious user names being employed here, but which ones are your favorites?
I was once reading a thread which discussed something about the classic threads on Audiogon and one of them was to do with refigerator, I was laughing for at least a week after having read that, now it is going to be history repeating itself.

Albert I know you were talented, but this is just unbelievable.

Everyone here appreciated your work of art, including those who were in your story, but if I remember reading all of it none thanked you for it. So, on behalf of all audiogoners thank you indeed for having entertained us.
Thanks for not mentioning me Albert. I'm putting off my fifteen minutes as long as possible.
Content to be a wallflower.
Nrchy- It was 15 minutes of fame in the 80's with the population growing at the rate it has, its down to about 90 seconds of fame(maybe less by now).
Was it in the 80's that Andy Warhol said that? Wow I must be getting old. I thought it was earlier. 90 seconds must be with inflation!
Searching through my old threads, I came upon 'Gumbydammit'.
How could I have forgotten that one?