What's The Best Blooming Tube Amp?

When people think of tubed power amps, they think primarily of descriptive terms like warm tonal balance, harmonically rich and midrange bloom.
But many tube amps, particularly more modern varieties, tend to be voiced to have more of a neutral sound.

The power amps of old, like the Leak Stereo 20 and the Quad II's were warm, rich and full of that 'tube magic', wheras some of the amps from Audio Research and even perhaps some of the bigger Cary's tend toward a more neutral tonal balance.

So, what are your favorite tubed power amps that are renowned for their midrange bloom and harmonic richness?
Forget about those attempts at trying to combine Solid State attributes with tube-like qualities, what's the best blooming tube amp you've ever heard?

ARC Classic 60 - Very warm and wonderful on vocal! lacking bass control (then again I was trying to drive 4ohm 84dB Magnepan IIIa's)
I should also mention that I find that quality to be quite elusive when it comes to linestages. The best I've heard at creating an enveloping soundfield without creating a false warmth and annoying phaseyness are the Emotive Audio Epifania and the Audionote M-8 and M-10 (Audionote UK). I briefly heard the Kondo M-10 and it too had some magic qualities, but I did not get to do a long audition. Both the M-10 and Epifania are fantastic linestages, the Epifania might be a bit faster and lithe in tonal structure, the Audionote might be a bit warmer and seductive, but I never tried the two side by side.

I must admit that the Levinson No. 32 I currently run is a bit weak in that department, but it is not totally lacking. I also got a bit of that quality out of a Placette active linestage I use to use (still have it as a backup).
I've recently been playing my Tim Buckley cds on my Primaluna Prologue Two. These are cds for which I previously felt were poorly recorded. Tim's voice + vibes (the instrument) + 'primaluna' = heaven on earth.
yeah I second the Audio Research classic series has probably the best bloom and flesh out qualities of any amps I owned...base control was the weakest point and the fact it didnt have the deep base for home theater set ups was the only reason I sold mine...should have kept it..
The jadis JA-500 does everything, bass, midrange purity, sliky highs, balance, details, warmth, sweetness, soundstage, depth, imaging. I have lived with CJs, big Krells, and am in possession of Lamms, which come close to the Jadis but still not quite at par. My humbly opinion.