Tubes? Transistors? Which are better?

It's an audiophile debate: Which are better, tubes or transistors? I have a been a big fan of transistors for a long time, but recent auditions have turned me into a partial tube head. Which tube designs sound best? Do transistors sound better?
After 3 weeks of listening to a SF Power 2 (tubes), I switched back to McCormack DNA-2DX (SS), and the improvement in rhythmic drive and bass was dramatic, and also the 2DX does low volume and low level detail much better. I sold the Power 2 and bought another DNA-2DX to make a pair of mono-blocs with them:>). Cheers. Craig.
Interesting findings by Craig! I recently replaced my Linn Majik (ss), with Sonic Frontiers Control-1 (not an integrated, but amplifier with tone and balance control, just like CJ CAV-50)and i found SFC-1 to be more, much more detailed and more musical than Majik. I was realy surprised to find four EL34's(Svetlana's) to sound so open, and without any faults associated with tubes!
good for ewe, eldragon! same experience i had replacing my linn kairn pre w/an melos music director! :>)

happy listening, doug

Boy Craig you sure are a tough nut to crack! What's it gone to take with you? The things that tubes definitively do better IMveryHO MUCH better,is lower volume listening, that is preserve the natural ambient detail, air and dynamics of the music yet retain the bloom. With ss I have to crank it up. This is most apparent on acoustical and vocal music. I throw my hands up. You are a ss guy and that's all there is to it. BTW what pre-amp are you using?
Hi Will; First, I really enjoyed my time with the SF Power 2, and I now know that I could be happy with a good tube amp long term. The mid-range was great, and for a tube amp the bass was good, but after 3 wks. when I changed back to the DNA2, the differences just really jumped out at me. As I have some HF hearing loss (where tubes also excel), I think that makes bass more important to me. I also was surprised that the DNA2 did low volume listening better-- I do think this is an exceptional SS amp, just too bad it wasn't reviewed by STPH to get it more exposure. I use a SF Line 2 pre-amp, and really believe strongly in tube pre-amps. But for amps, I seem to have come down squarely and happily in the solid state camp-- so much so that I'm going to have my DNA-2DXs converted to monos-- Steve McCormack told me the monos would do low level detail even better. Cheers. Craig.