About Sean's post up there... I agree with everything. And also: "fm tuner info" is one of the great white elephant websites of all time. I like Kenwood tuners, but there are plenty of good tuners out there, and if you look at the site, what you slowly start to realize is it's a self-justification for using old Kenwoods. Furthermore there is no baseline for quantitative vs. qualitative measurement, and very little actual evidence from oscilliscopes that any of what they are saying bears any relation to reality. All ceramic filters are better than IR's. No explanation. Modded tuners are always "better". Better sounding or better engineering tested? Again no answer. Wide bands are always better than narrow. Ridiculous. Then people start quoting these lunatics on ebay or over on the asylum and start flame wars over it. It's driven some things through the roof that, frankly, suck, while other great lower-priced-initially tuners languish. That site, TNT audio, which gets a lot of tech stuff plain old wrong (like ultralinear is always push-pull and triode is always single-ended; even in the same amp ...eh... wtf?) and also Arthur Salvatore's site about how Michael Fremer is defrauding people (which may be true, but the way he goes about relating his story is on the level of, I was abducted by aliens!) ...anyway, it all made me start a thread called: Do you believe everything you read on the internet? Audio is like everything else. Some people know what they are talking about, and some people don't. Being able to put up a webpage doesn't make you competent.