The Best Audio Dealer

My vote for the best dealer award goes to Mario,owner of TOYS FROM THE ATTIC This guy helped me break into analog.I made alot of mistakes because "Dave,you don't listen" Any way Mario was always to the rescue.He,over the phone has helped me build an awesome sounding stereo.He has always given me the Best price and I know he hasnt made much money from me.He calls me on occasion to see "whats up" I have never met the man or been to his shop because its over 300 miles away
fulvio,I had a bad experiance with him also.I didnt buy from him an item I sinply had asked for info.about and the guy sent me 3 or 4 harassing E-mails and even stooped to calling me names! You want a class act and a rock solid dealer? CALL MARIO 914-421-0069 tell hom Dave sent you...
I try to support to support local dealers;however the competition for pricing is tough on the smaller market guys.Steve at hififarm will beat anybody's price for which has to offer and he's got a great ear for MY tastes. It can be hard to build a relationship with a lot of the mail-order dealers. They get bombarded with price checkers all day long and can be short with you. Pick a dealer whom you can costantly upgrade with and/or sell your equipment. I guarantee you won't hold your gear for to many years if your a PSYCHO audiophile.
We know this, Snook, but some of us don't live in areas where every brand is available one block away, around the corner...
Without a local dealer try to find a dealer who will loan you equipment at their terms. This is very difficult to do unless you have done a lot of business with them. Are there any dealers reading than can offer any suggestions.
I have two that I would like to add,Stewert from Weekend Environment, this guy is great , he has done a few favors for me in the past, he has a great product line too! Always there to help and FRIENDLY,He moved from S.C. TO WA.State a few years ago,we lost a good dealer from S.C. The other guy is Alan from Audio ALternatives,Always there to give good advice and takes his time with you, I`ve bougth from both of these dealers and will do more with them in the future.!!!! The other thing I would like to say ABOUT DEALERS IS THIS , PRICE IS NOT ALWAYS THE REASON WE BUY FROM THEM, the bond a dealer has with that person will make a sell every time even if that price might be a little high, how well the dealer will take care of you if you need to have your gear repaired,how much knowledge does he have about audio gear, does he care about you after the sale, the good ones will, you can have this type of bond with a dealer no matter were he is if he is a good one.CUSTOMER SERVICE is the "KEY" to all sales and the "LIFE" of the dealer!!!!! Greg