The Best Audio Dealer

My vote for the best dealer award goes to Mario,owner of TOYS FROM THE ATTIC This guy helped me break into analog.I made alot of mistakes because "Dave,you don't listen" Any way Mario was always to the rescue.He,over the phone has helped me build an awesome sounding stereo.He has always given me the Best price and I know he hasnt made much money from me.He calls me on occasion to see "whats up" I have never met the man or been to his shop because its over 300 miles away
David99, as cool a guy as you are, I must differ with you here. Magneplanar sells their smallest speaker factory direct, and it's one of the best buys in audio. I don't think we should make blanket statements about manufacturers that sell factory direct, because that only serves to help the status quo, and they don't need any help. Upstart companies (I know Maggie isn't one) need help in their early quest for market share, and the "old boy" established dealer network only serves to squelch new audio companies that may well have a superior product (since they can't compete with established brand names in a diminishing "specialty audio" market at most any dealer, anywhere, especially if the dealer wants to make his all important markup on that big brand name....ahhhWilson...'scuse me, had to cough).
Carl.Good point but you only named 1 product of a true hi-end nature sold factory direct.Name me some more.I like to save money too.By the way what do you think of Kevin Deal?You can E-mail me if you don't want to slander your self.LOL
Did you not see my comments about him in another thread? Just as well, I'm not too proud of them. It was just my opinion, and he shouldn't take it very personally (I've not met him in person). More factory direct companies? Bel Canto, Perpetual, Waveform. Do you not look at ads in magazines?
Carl,Your getting hostile again!!! The Thought Police are watching! I bought tubes from Kevin Deal(got them today) You want someone to be totally honest and no B.S.he is the guy.He really isn't even opinionated which is a relief I guess.I still like for info.then he likes to give.
David99, add Headroom to the list of high-end manufacturers who sell direct (so far as I know, only direct). I've owned three different models from them over time, and The Max is a very serious product.