I usually stay away, far away, from threads of this sort. They are like arguments between Ford vs. Chevy vs. Dodge truck owners at a mud bogging contest. I agree with Fusion10. Very few of these recording artists mentioned are really bad, they have talents of varying degrees. I remember when I was listening to 80's music in the 80's and I thought glam bands were useless no-talents whose appeal was their make-up, hair, and spandex. But as time passed, I realized most of those guys could really play well. In part, rock music appeals to us because of a quasi-tribal sense of belonging to a group we want to count ourselves among. A death metal fan is going to have a hard time admitting to themselves and friends that they think Karen Carpenter can really sing well. Hmm, maybe even Kiss has talents I don't want to admit exist. I suppose at the very least, they are entertaining, if not musically edifying. One thing that really made me lighten up on being musically judgmental was learning to play an instrument myself. It's made me appreciate many artists I used to dislike, at least in an abstract sort of way. They may not emotionally connect with me, but at least I appreciate some aspects of what they are doing.