Thoughts about these forums

I would like to make a few comments. I have been away from Audiogon for quite a while now and thank all of you who have so warmly welcomed me back.
My absence has been two fold. First my health has made it difficult to be involved on a daily basis. Secondly and far more importantly is a philosophical view of how we use this site.
Over the years a number of us “older” members have had the opportunity to share, grow and learn as audiophiles, as people who enjoy music, as people who share a passion for a hobby and in our communication abilities. I applaud all of us for how far we have come over these past six years, and the incredible knowledge base shared here at the best audio web site on the planet. I also must thank Arnie (founder of A’gon) for his passion and concern for making this work. We once had to shut this site down as the threads lost their direction and purpose, but Arnie stood up and asked twelve members to help rebuild this site with a stronger wiser vision. Many hours have been spent by a large number of people trying to make this the great site it is.
So… so my point. Please let us try to remember what we (some of us) are trying to achieve here at Audiogon. What is the purpose of these threads? For me it’s education and sharing of a passion with other audio people. For me personally I enjoy sharing the experiments in tweaking, this is what I have become known best for. My purpose is education and sharing of experience. I love having constructive conversations with knowledgeable informed and educated people who can push my thinking forward and expand my knowledge through other people’s experiences. I enjoy people who put the effort into learning, pushing the norm to a new level, always trying to improve on the systems and musical qualities our systems present. Constructive discussions with people who have credible experiences are great.
What I dislike about this forum and have always struggled with is the comments made flippantly by people who have no known foundation from which they speak. These people as not educating, they are not growing and they are not enjoyable. They simply live here, under rocks waiting for the opportunity to make comments detrimental to the discussion going on, or they are unhappy people who wish to drag down our enjoyment. Many of these trolls left when the site was shut down and the forums required monitoring, but it is not possible to eliminate them completely, nor would it make an interesting site without all views.
I guess what I’m asking is that those who have nothing constructive to offer, to please leave your keyboards alone. There are plenty of threads available where people are simply chatting and not actually intending to learn. But if there are threads that are exploring ideas with knowledgeable and educated experienced people, leave it alone. We do not need your flippant off color remarks. I hope those of us who want to share and learn can have the respect to be allowed that right. The other option, which I have resorted to is private emails. These are great, but input is limited and thus my opportunity to learn is limited, as is yours.
Do you understand? Please allow truly constructive threads to be just that, Constructive. I am back to try one more time to share my ideas and knowledge and to gleam more wisdom from so many old friends, I just thought I’d ask for the respect we deserve and ask the trolls to leave the educational; threads alone. There are so few truly constructive threads at any one time; we can not afford to lose the momentum of the truly good discussions. There are tons of threads where trolls and the ill informed can do there work.
Just my thoughts as I return to Audiogon, and begin to see the old behavior creep into the couple of places I’m talking right now.

Thanks for your respect
Bob, great to see you. I'll email you...

Here’s the most amazing part of “our” Audiogon, as proved daily at the “About Lugnut-- Patrick Malone” thread. I have met people from every continent except Antarctica, although I tried to start a thread asking if there were any people on Antarctica checking in. I guess music on the southern continent isn’t all that important, although maybe one of us should go down there and help those folks become aware.
Anyway, people from every corner of the world are sharing a passion we all have in common. As faceless nameless individuals it’s easy to vent after a bad day by jumping on some analog guys thinking, or chastise a digital lover for their beliefs. It’s almost therapeutic to create the most cutting and painful comment, believe me, I’ve written my share.
What I’ve learned from Lugnut’s thread is it’s just as easy to share your most inner venerable feelings. It may actually be easier to share your deepest hidden thoughts here, rather than face to face with your closest friend. I know when I’ve actually seen people face to face that I met here, I’m almost embarrass because of what they might know about me.
So the point is, the people in the community of Audiogon are indeed our friends, and they contain the ability to be some of the closest people we know. Just simply follow Lugnut’s thread, you will find love and concern beyond what is available in the “real” world. It simply is not possible in the “real” world to meet as many people, and share so much with this many friends in our day to day life. We are very lucky to have this web site. That was something Arnie and the “Dirty Dozen” believed when we re-started Audiogon after a series of very stinging threads driven by a handful of angry unhappy people. We worked very hard to build something special, something above the internet norm. The audio community needs a place where you can share the audio passion with “FRIENDS”. Audio Asylum is readily available for fighting and sharpening our abilities at cutting another person to there knees.
My point is Audiogon is special and it works far better than I ever expected. My concern upon returning was seeing some of those old techniques on a few threads. I just think it’s important to understand why some of us have left this site, and what we hope to receive when we check in.
Now my vision may be a fantasy, I understand the world is not perfect, but I also know the people of the world have great potential. I believe that potential is being realized on Lugnut’s thread. Take note of it, perfection lives in that thread. It’s easy, we can have both, we can argue without pain and anger. It is possible. My hope in rejoining this incredible site is people will realize who they are arguing with, these are your friends. It should not require facing our mortality to understand this.
If we simply stay aware, each of us will have grown as humans in ways others could only dream of.
Enjoy life, enjoy family, enjoy Audiogon and enjoy your friends!
I think some need to lighten up a bit, everyone learns here, most have a very serious, passionate, and eager to learn attitude, but jokes are ok and nobody should be told what to and what not to say, and no one person should ask that a sight like this be solely set for his/her tastes, I know I live in America, and freedom is king

Youre right Chad...some do need to lighten up.

How about I just make a random selection and go for it then justify it in some silly way.

While I'm at it I wont take into consideration they just may be sincere and want to learn or participate just like everyone else.

It might be fun!....although I doubt it.
I say you should not have to behave in any way you do not feel like behaving, for whatever reason. If you do not want to be insensitive, do not be insensitive. If you do not want to act absurdly, dont do it! These are all each persons definitions of what is right and wrong, and only that person knows the standard they must hold their self to. I suspect that if the majority of contributors share the value of a certain standard of behavior the evidence of that will stand in contrast to the behavior which is viewed as offensive, even if nothing is said or done.From my perspective, most of the time that contributors here react to a behavior in a negative manner the identified offense is usually something of a red herring. The reaction seems strategic rather than heartfelt, as there is the desire to make the offense known to all. It is something like a lawyers manuever. From what I have seen the majority of contributors here tend to ignore that which they find either offensive or unworthy of comment. The post dies where it stands, unloved and unattended, in a violence of silence I imagine to be something like drowning. That seems just enough in my view. When the majority of contributors here seem to have come to some agreement it seems to reveal itself in the way a thread developes, evolves or degrades. Nonetheless, it seems regardless of the outcome agreement has occurred. My view about this forum is that is works well for what it does.