Moving to New Zealand from USA Now What?????

OK so do I sell all my equipment, Buy new Stuff once I hit NZ or do I take it and Have it converted?

How available is audiophile gear in NZ?

My system consists of
Myryad pre amp
Toshiba sd-9200
Rel Storm
Mesa Boggie Baron
Citation 5.1 amp


A local fellow here in Boise that formerly lived in New Zealand has moved back. He was considering the purchase of some Plinius gear to replace his aging ML kit before leaving and I asked him the same question but especially regarding that brand. He said that audio gear is much more affordable here. A member of our local audio club that owns Plinius gear traveled there in December and I asked the same question. The response was the same. The voltage is different there too. Please don't take this as true knowledge about all equipment but I'd think they both knew what they were talking about in regard to that particular brand.

I'm pretty sure an infrequent visitor to this site lives in NZ, it would be worth dropping a private email to RedKiwi and ask his advice. Great guy and sure knows his stuff.

Regards, Jeff
Jeff advise on contacting Redkiwi is a "sound" one, hasn't seen many postings from him lately but he was very active a couple of years ago. He has contributed quite a bit specially involving Neuance platforms.