Words From the Wise

Hello fellow Audiophiles and Audio Enthousiast. I've been in the game for a little over 4 months now and I've learned tonnes of stuff along the way thanks to some very knowledgeable people on this website and in my local community (but mostly on this website).

I'll get right to the point.

Whether you are new to the game or a veteran I'm curious to hear your thoughts on the top 5 things you would tell a fellow Audiophile to better his/her enjoyment of this wonderful hobby. Please use point form or short paragraphs
1. decide first if you want a 5 channel hometheatre or a two channel hi-fi. Trying to incorporate both in one system tends to leave one or the other neglected. I mean by system matching, with cost allowance. The hi-fi end will usually lose ground.

2. By in large most receivers kill hi-fi, but, there are some very amazing intergrated amps available.

3. Just like musical taste, you will probably develop a taste for different products that have their own musical signatures. The bottom end slam heard from transistors or the velvety soft sounds of set amps are available,(to mention only two). It can take years to learn where your tastes truly lie).

4. And last but not least...dont eat the yellow snow.
Don't let signal degradation get in the way of buying a simple switch box; plugging/unplugging just to get the tuner 'on line' is really quite silly.
1. Don't get started in the first place! You are better off remaining a virgin or smoking cigarettes.

Do whatever it takes not to get hooked...shock therapy, hypnosis, probes under eye-lids while watching a movie of some disturbed shmuck trying to correctly (right!) set azimuth, VTA, overhang, etc, for his/her $3400. cartridge.

Think, chant, mantra the name..."Boombox"..."Boombox"...
heed the warnings, they are all over this site...interconnects..."BAD"..."VERY BAD"...can cause attatchments that are impossible to break.
The minute you think "Power cords do make a difference" it's over! You won't even be able to answer a phone without being critical of the (ahem) "sibilance".

I have to go, they are knocking on my cell for the evening meal.
Great responses so far. My advice-

Decide what level of system you want and can afford (lots of soul searching here). Then decide what type of sound you are after (lots of auditioning here). Pick up all of your components and cables to match the level and sound you are after (lots of Audiogon research here). Balance your investments (don't go with the $1000 cables and a $500 amp or $1000 amp and $10 cables). Buy used (exceptions can be made for speakers). Start listening (once the system is assembled). Fell free to try out tweaks, swap components, etc. Most important: buy lots more music and have fun!!!
I - Join Audiogon and use it to research.

II - Set your opening budgets in moderation.

III - Buy a lot of music you really like as this music is ultimately the system fuel.

IV - Pace your-self with care do not become obsessive.I have known many who spend too much and lose interest.

V - Start with simplicity,basic system short runs solid
foundations and choice location.

That may be more than five...