Words From the Wise

Hello fellow Audiophiles and Audio Enthousiast. I've been in the game for a little over 4 months now and I've learned tonnes of stuff along the way thanks to some very knowledgeable people on this website and in my local community (but mostly on this website).

I'll get right to the point.

Whether you are new to the game or a veteran I'm curious to hear your thoughts on the top 5 things you would tell a fellow Audiophile to better his/her enjoyment of this wonderful hobby. Please use point form or short paragraphs
Too funny!! I just dumped $3.5K into JPS speaker cable and my wife knows I got the cable but has not, to date, asked me how much I paid for it. And she outearns me by a ration of almost 5 to 1! God I love that woman.

But I'll still sneak CDs into the house and pray the mail is still in the box when I get home. ;-)
heres one I've not seen but has proven its value to me. Take up a musical instrument. I've been learning to play guitar (6 string electric) and i feel that I have a very good idea about what the instrument should sound like and little aspects of its sound. helps lots in determining how accurate speakers, or perhaps I should say the system, is. I guess it's dumb to think about learning to play an instrument for this reason but even messing around with instruments will give you the idea.
Over time I have continued to upgrade but I just keep forgetting to sell off the old stuff...audio pack rat yes. Anyway I now swap out speakers, amps, cables etc you know mix and match. I have learned so much more from this process than anything else, god I love this addiction, or affliction or whatever. After reading so many of the responses in this forum, I noticed repeated comments to trust your ears...seems like some of the best advice I've read.

Be afraid. Be very afraid. Be less afraid if you never go into the ‘big’ room at the high end dealership. Everything will become much easier for you if you stay the heck out of there!
Learn to listen.
Learn to say “No.” if that’s not a strong suit for you… or just listen to your significant other more often.
Depending on how deeply you wish to injure yourself, er, get into this economically draining & psychologically debilitating distraction, parading as a normal past time, keep in mind that everything makes a difference. Everything! The room. The Cabling. The rack. The incoming power. Your ears. Pets. Neighbors. But most of all it could well be your own ego that winds up driving you to the poor house.
Find your own sound quickly. For some it’s tubes, for other’s it’s solid state. Further put, it’s SET amps & High eff speakers, still other’s will opt for digital or analog throughout. This means going to showrooms. Do bare in mind the ‘big room’ caveat. Self honesty here will pay dividends later on.
Great speakers can not fix upstream signal losses or problems.
Spending a lot is optional. Eg., ego. Spending wisely is better.
Mate speakers to the room, amps to speakers.
Putting money into room acoustical treatments is just about a ‘must’ to reap the true benefits from your system.
The best barometer for how good a system is will be the width of the smile on your face, the amount of toe tapping going on while listening, and the difficulty you have with turning off your rig. When that becomes a routine, daily event, you are finished and should then seek out another hobby to master, and allow your present audio contrivance provide you the pleasure it should at that point, rather than allowing it to nag you for more time and money to be sunk into it.
1. Room Treatment and speakers positioning are very, very important. Room resonances must be eliminated at least partially.

2. A good subwoofer can greatly augment the pleasure you take in the music listening. Patience is required here though, because it's hard to integrate a sub into the room/system.

3. Listen to the music in the dark with your eyes closed.

4. Buy used components.

5. Give a chance to other music genres which you normally don't listen to.