Help/Major Problem

I have a Aleph-3 amp and a Rogue 99 pre with phono.
I played the system all last eve. with no problems.
Tonight I fired it up and nothing!
All seems fine except no sound.Only a muted signal(music) when I turn the pre way up.I can see the line stage tubes through the cover of the 99 and they are lit up.This problem is with phono,CD and tuner.I have checked all I.C.'s and P.C.'s All check out fine.
What the hell could be the problem?
david: have you checked ALL fuses, including any internal rail or input varieties? (don't really know what your rouge or pass have for "protection.") if all else fails, PANIC, take a couple of ludes and see what tomorrow brings. -kelly
Kelly-I'm going to need more than "a couple" ludes before this night is over!
If it were a bad fuse I would have no tube glow or amp on indicator light,would I ?? I don't think either the Rogue or Pass has fuses anyway.The Pass has thermal overload protection but no fuse as far as I know.
My hunch is it may be a poorly seated or bad tube in the pre.(Its too late in the eve. to rip the pre apart)But with both channels affected this seems unlikely.
Anyone else have a clue?
If you have any spare stuff laying around like an extra integrated or something you can hook to the Pass and see if you can eliminate it from suspect. Follow the signal flow and don't doubt that it could be a cable. I had a situation where I had a low signal in one channel, I was going nuts and it turned out to be an interconnect cable. I didn't know until I substituted another set for the faulty set.
If you're inside the Rogue look for an internal fuse. Glowing tubes mean the filaments are getting the voltage they need but there should be additional power supply voltages present as well to do the amplification.

Any chance one or more of your sources has a volume control that you would dare connect a source direct to the Pass? At least you could start to narrow the problem to one component.

Try to remain rational. More than likely you are just a tube or tube plus internal fuse away from pleasureable music again.