Anyone compare outlets?

I will be getting new lines put in and would like to know if there's a signicant difference between outlets. I see some of these things going for $50 and even $200 dollars.
I just switched my outlets to Arrow Hart 8200's, for less than $10 each, and that really helped. Can the higher cost of these 'fancy' outlets be justified or is it more hype?

Has anyone experimented with these thingies, done any sort of actual comparisons on the same system, etc.? Inquiring minds want to know.

thank you,
Elizabeth: I may have been one of those poster's. It took me quite some time to figure out what had gone "sour" in the the system (with the outlet being the very last thing that was checked). The sound gradually degraded over a period of 60-90 days with a recessed midrange being the most noticable aspect. I broke the outlet in with my old Kirby vacuum (huge motor on this one) which may have accelerated the process. Had I not seen the other posts @ AA (as you did), I probably would have tried another Leviton (thinking the one in use to be defective).
........a mistake re my above post. I've used Pass & Seymour hospital grade (not Leviton) with success. They are very well constructed and have good grip. I'm surprised to hear of the apparent problem with the Leviton(s) though as I've mostly heard good things about them. Craig
I know that some specific Pass & Seymour's are highly respected over at the AA cable forum. Can't remember the specific part numbers, but a search would turn them up.

As to Albert's comment's, if you break most of this stuff down to the bare essentials, most of it is "absurd" in terms of price. Other than that, can you give us a specific part number for the Hubbell's if you've still got a box lying around? I'm sure that others would be interested in that also. Sean
Another thought Killerpiglet, as long as you are getting new lines put in, some cable companies have wiring you can purchase, instead of the cheapo stuff the electician is installing. I would do this if I was wiring anew again.
Sean: The most desired stock P&S outlet is the 5242 (the least expensive model:-). It is also the hardest to find though. I have been using the 5252 which has more "silver colored" metal on the backside and which is considered not to be as good because of this. Still a nice sounding outlet (some six months later) with an exceedingly strong grip. I would recommend the P&S's for general use as well (behind heavy furniture and such) so that lamp plugs, etc., stay where they belong and do not create a safety issue.