Parts Connection - Now where do I find parts?

As all of you know, Parts Connection no longer exists. Does anyone know where to find the same selection of parts that they use to provide for the hobbyist?
If it where the same Company they would have bought the name and takin over the stock.They did not. They have no ties to Sonic Frontiers.They initially tried to use the catalog and SKU # of the Old Parts Connection untill threatened with a Law suit.
Paradigm bought Sonic Frontiers over 2 years ago possibly even 3 + years.They put money in to keep them going and have decided that the growth is in HT.SF statred out as The Parts Connection and evolved into Sonic and Anthem.Since HT is king and since Anthem has come out with some killer product,Paradigm have put the money on the HT side.
The Parts Connection had been for sale for over a year.The asking price was more than anyone was willing to pay.So instead of selling it cheap,they shut it down.
point is the new group did not pay for the name Changed one letter and away they went.Thats the story.
But, so what, if they will be stocking and selling parts online for reasonable prices? Isn't this what it is all about? I will check them out once the new catalog is out.
Watch out about Michael Percy. He has great stuff and really good prices, but he's notoriously hard to contact. I've emailed and faxed the same order to him, but after 7 weeks without a response, I've given up on him. Try at your own risk.

A better option might be Welborne Labs. I've heard great things about them. The homepage is:

and the parts section is:

good luck
Their ads claim that the Parts Connexion was founded and is at least partially staffed by former employee's of the original Parts Connection division of Sonic Frontiers. Sean