I need to do this, please help

I have put this off long enough, I need to do some room treatment, and it is the only part of audio that I don't know much about. I know about tube traps, corner traps, echo-busters, etc....... But what I don't know is how to make it function the "right" way, i.e. where to put them in my room. I can't change the dimensions of my room, nor can I change it unusual set-up though I would like to optimize the performance of what I have and I think I should have done this a long time ago. Are there any books or websites that may be able to help? or do any of you folks know any tricks that everyone in this hobby but me already knows? Thanks a lot for any help

Thanks a lot guys!! I printed your post out Duke, I like your ideas of the inexpensive way out ;) Any other tips I would be eager to hear.
Call the guys at ASC, they are VERY helpful and can make good suggestions for you.
tim i think a chainsaw and a bulldozer will change everything, i would just put your 901s outside. they would sound much better outside. it just seems to make them sound well, better. if you must leave them inside try nailing 2 cats in each corner, that should be plenty. good luck and let us know how it turns out.