Hard to believe, but somehow certain pillars of the Audiogon community seem to have been duped by an Internet Hoax--and not a very recent one at that!
Folks like Albertporter, Bishopwill, and Sean, known for their many sober, thoughtful, well-informed and intelligent contributions, have somehow fallen for this one hook, line and sinker. Sean, at least, has a decent excuse: his critical faculties seem to have suffered as a result of excessive exposure to Mico$oft products (sorry, couldn't resist). The rest will have to provide their own excuses.
Fortunately, there is a bright side to this otherwise tawdry incident. Apparently the Audiogon bylaws (which explicitly prohibit the propagation of Internet Hoaxes and Urban Legends) require that Albert forfeit his system to me (yes, ALL of it--and if you don't believe me, check with cornfedboy).
The curious and/or dubious can confirm the hoax at such sites as TruthOrFiction.com (http://www.truthorfiction.com/rumors/railwidth.htm) and at Railway.org where can be found the exhaustive treatment (written in mid-2000 fer chrissakes!) entitled "Railroad Gauge: The Evolution of Railroad Standard Gauge or, Roman Chariots + Railroad Standards = Horse Poop" (http://www.railway.org/railroadgauge.htm).
Oh, and that story you heard from the guy in the bar (you know, the one who swore it actually happened to a friend of a friend of his) about the dude who went to Bangkok, went out drinking and woke up in a bathtub full of ice with a kidney missing--that one's not true either!