I have done some research and talked to people much smarter than my self(my brother, for one, he is the guy that designed the integrated circuit chips for Motorola that made, you may have heard of it,the cell phone, possible). Cryo in my understanding changes the metal in a way that makes it more dense and more conductive. It seems to have the same effect as a single crystal in reducing the diode effect between the less dense non cryoed metal. More conductive= better flow of electrons=better performance of the circuits hooked to them!
My God you are a curmuddgen! I bet your Mom used to say to you all the time "if all those other boys jumped off a cliff, would you jump too?"
The biggest drawback I can find with cyro treating any electronic item is what seems to be the very long burn in time. I guess if I realy cared about it the same way you do I would have my old cheap 85 cent Leviton's sent out to be cry treated and then try them, but why? In reality their ARE some differences in the construction between my old stock contracrtor style outlets(which were in generally good condition, without gross signes of age) and the Hubbell's. The difference I hear is just too great for it to just be simple construction.If you have a philisophical adversion to cryo then buy the Wattgate for $150 which is said to be about as good sounding. I have heard other stock Hospital style plugs in other peoples systems do almost nothing other than give the system owner peace of mind. Why do you want to fight this so damn hard? I believe what careful listeners like Albert and other members have found and I just tagged along on their coat tails. All I know for sure is that it works! You Left brain types have it harder than us right brainers! The left brainer thing can drive me nuts sometimes. I have a fine arts degree and have been over exposed to the world of art crticism. An artist creates a work that comes from an affective state of mind. The critic comes up with alot of ivory tower, rhetoric nonsense to try to explain the asthetic and emotive intention of the artist(snotty white art babble), instead of just experiencing the beauty of the work and perhaps just enjoying it for what it is. You like music so their is a right brain aspect to your mind, go their and enjoy the beauty and quit trying to explain it. It's time to jump off the cliff with the rest of the boys!
My God you are a curmuddgen! I bet your Mom used to say to you all the time "if all those other boys jumped off a cliff, would you jump too?"
The biggest drawback I can find with cyro treating any electronic item is what seems to be the very long burn in time. I guess if I realy cared about it the same way you do I would have my old cheap 85 cent Leviton's sent out to be cry treated and then try them, but why? In reality their ARE some differences in the construction between my old stock contracrtor style outlets(which were in generally good condition, without gross signes of age) and the Hubbell's. The difference I hear is just too great for it to just be simple construction.If you have a philisophical adversion to cryo then buy the Wattgate for $150 which is said to be about as good sounding. I have heard other stock Hospital style plugs in other peoples systems do almost nothing other than give the system owner peace of mind. Why do you want to fight this so damn hard? I believe what careful listeners like Albert and other members have found and I just tagged along on their coat tails. All I know for sure is that it works! You Left brain types have it harder than us right brainers! The left brainer thing can drive me nuts sometimes. I have a fine arts degree and have been over exposed to the world of art crticism. An artist creates a work that comes from an affective state of mind. The critic comes up with alot of ivory tower, rhetoric nonsense to try to explain the asthetic and emotive intention of the artist(snotty white art babble), instead of just experiencing the beauty of the work and perhaps just enjoying it for what it is. You like music so their is a right brain aspect to your mind, go their and enjoy the beauty and quit trying to explain it. It's time to jump off the cliff with the rest of the boys!