Zaikesman, I respect your thoughful and reserved approach. I am one who does not try to reinvent the wheel every year or even more often as some audiophiles do who belong to the cable or amp of the month. As far as reviewers go I like to read Moncreif/IAR as he does just what you are talking about.
Myself I am not reviewer and thus am not bound by any conventions and am free to explore and be spontanious. Yes there may be better scientific method if you are seeking explanations and quantification of results. I can toss all that baggage and do what makes my system come alive. This did and I could not be more excited about it. I have about, lets call it 20K worth of stuff sitting here,and $75 bucks makes it all work like never before. I guess I think everyone should experience it. So Zaikesman, be wild, let go this once, and forget the science and just listen to the MUSIC that comes out of your system. If I am wrong on this it's not like I am asking you to fire sale your whole system and follow me like the pied piper into a sonic netherword or worse yet some monitary black hole. I have to say that of anyone with a system that should be able to resolve something of this nature it is Albert. Compareing that thing(Albert's system)to my system is like compareing a lazer beam to a red christmas light! Albert seems to hear it and i do too. If you don't like the sound I am sure that you could sell it and not be out much. How many other audiophile boondoggles can you realy say that about.
To answer your question about if anyone has compared the cryo to the non cryo I am sure that Albert and Lak have. I am sure they would be more than happy to tell you their findings. At this point if someone took these damn things away I would cryo a river of tears! Or, it's my party and I'll cryo if I want to? You would cryo too.......
Myself I am not reviewer and thus am not bound by any conventions and am free to explore and be spontanious. Yes there may be better scientific method if you are seeking explanations and quantification of results. I can toss all that baggage and do what makes my system come alive. This did and I could not be more excited about it. I have about, lets call it 20K worth of stuff sitting here,and $75 bucks makes it all work like never before. I guess I think everyone should experience it. So Zaikesman, be wild, let go this once, and forget the science and just listen to the MUSIC that comes out of your system. If I am wrong on this it's not like I am asking you to fire sale your whole system and follow me like the pied piper into a sonic netherword or worse yet some monitary black hole. I have to say that of anyone with a system that should be able to resolve something of this nature it is Albert. Compareing that thing(Albert's system)to my system is like compareing a lazer beam to a red christmas light! Albert seems to hear it and i do too. If you don't like the sound I am sure that you could sell it and not be out much. How many other audiophile boondoggles can you realy say that about.
To answer your question about if anyone has compared the cryo to the non cryo I am sure that Albert and Lak have. I am sure they would be more than happy to tell you their findings. At this point if someone took these damn things away I would cryo a river of tears! Or, it's my party and I'll cryo if I want to? You would cryo too.......