Advice wanted

I am a music lover, but not an audiophile. I have an old KLH Model 20 (AM/FM/Phono with KLH floor speaker) that recently died - one channel has died, as well as the turntable. I am looking to put together a new system. I want a 2 channel system, since I expect to never want 5 channel, multi-room sound.

I want to keep the KLH speakers because I think they are good enough for my purposes. Altough I would prefer to have a system with a remote, I have been thinking about getting a Marantz 2270 on eBay. For a CD player, I have wondered about getting a Sony SCD-C222ES at eBay and using it solely for 2 channel purposes. I have no idea what kind of turnable to get, but I have a lot of records that I want to continue playing.

I'm sure it is obvious that (1) I don't know what I am doing, (2) I don't know what components would be well matched into a compatible system, (3) my taste and budget are not in the direction of a sophisticated, complex, exotic, or expensive solution. I want a system that will be a pleasure to listen to good music on. I will welcome all suggestions about how to proceed, no matter is what direction, or how different they may be with my current thinking.

Thank you in advance for your good advice and suggestions.
Here's my two cent's worth. I think you're looking for an excellent-sounding, user-friendly system. I'd go with a used Linn Classik for amp/CD duties and a Rega P2 with Super Bias cartridge and NAD phonostage for vinyl. When you're ready, go with some used Linn Kan or Tukan speakers. This would be a very simple and elegant setup.
Let me warn you that KLH often used equalization in their electronics to compensate for the matched speakers' characteristics. That means that using the KLH speakers with linear, non-KLH electronics may result in disappointing results. What model of speaker is in your system?
Excellent point and good question Kr4. This is something that would probably be overlooked by someone without your knowledge and background.

Having said that, Jgold might experience VERY different sonics than what they were expecting out of such a system. While we all get used to the specific sound that our systems delivers ( and they ALL have their own sonic characteristics ), it may take some getting used to / further refinement to achieve what one is looking for when making such a drastic change in componentry. Sean
To Thsalmon: Thanks for the suggestion. I read 2 reviews of the Linn Classik (one in Stereophile) - both generally favorable. I'll check it out further. I'm not sure what you mean by the NAD phonostage. Is that a separarte phono pre-amp unit? Thanks for your interest and suggestions.

To I'll give you what information I can about the KLH speakers. On the back it says 4 ohm. As I measure it, there is a 8" woofer and a 5" mid-range/tweeter-second speaker. The heavy wooden enclosure measures 23" x 12" x 9". On the back if simply says KLH Model 20, with no further info. There is a three position "high frequency level" toggle switch - with positions for increase, decrease, and normal. I hope this info is useful to you. (I also use headphones fairly often too - Sennheiser 580. I think the headphones are probably better quality that the rest of my equipment at the moment.) Thanks for your interest and comments.
The NAD phonostage is a small outboard step up preamp for turntables. It's a little larger than a deck of cards and sells new for around $130. I just got one for my Dad's turntable (I bought him a P2 at the same time for his birthday), and I'm really impressed how it performs for the $.