What brand outlet for dedicated lines?

I am looking to add dedicated lines and am researching the best (within reason) outlet for this application. Many have told me Hubbell HBL8300HI -- any suggestions?
Albert, I need three cryo'd Hubbell's. By the way what is the count now, and have you decided on another cut off date or is it too soon for that? Finally, will the cost be the same as last time?
Based on this thread and a couple of emails, we have (maybe) 15 outlets spoken for. When we did this last time, I bought 14 for myself, so getting to the 50 minimum was easy.

Yes, the price stays the same, $36.00 for the outlet, cryo treatment, and round trip shipping to obtain treatment. Shipping to recipient was a few extra dollars and covered the (new) plain white box, packing pellets, FedEx and insurance.
Hi Albert. I just bought a few Hubbell 8300 and IG5352. What's the cost just for the cryo-treatment. Thanks.
I also have 100 P&S 5352 to consider treating for the 2 duplex PowerBoxes I'm assembling for A'goners. What's the batch capacity and cost for the treatment. Maybe we can get to fifty if I supply the remaining outlets? RSVP. Ernie 781 483-3922
I also emailed Albert. I asked him to put me down for one or two outlets (probably two).