Why MDF so Bad???

Hi everyone,
I've been reading left and right about how bad MDF seems to be for equipement racks. Everyone seems to agree that MDF shelves will color the music badly. The only thing I wonder is why do many speaker companies use MDF in their speakers?

Also, does MDF sound bad in every thickness? Did someone try to use 1 inch thick MDF shelves?

I'm very curious about MDF so I'm getting a woodsmith to build a 5 shelf equipement rack made of 1 inch thick MDF (only 1 inch thick MDF will be used for the whole unit). The shelves will be fixed to the frame. The whole rack will be assembled using high strength glue only. No nails nor screws will be used. The rack will be veneered with 1/28" thick mahogany wood (no paper backing)... Also, the back of the rack will be reinforced by MDF braces... The overall rack will be as rigid as possible.

One more thing, the rack will sit on the same kind of spike Verity Audio uses on their Parsifal encores (I guess I want the rack construction to be as close to a speaker cabinet as possible)...

I'm getting this rack made as an experiment, not as my definitive rack.

Any opinions as to what I should expect from this rack (sonic qualities)?

I was also thinking to use some sound absorbing material under each shelves and on the inside of the sidewalls to try lowering sound reflection (am I off the track here?)...

One last question, any thoughts as to how I could improve this rack (please don't recommend to throw the rack out the window and get a brand name rack)?

If anyone is interested, I will be able to post some pics when the rack is ready...

Your input is greatly appreciated.

Thanks ahead
Hello, I do not have a answer to your question, I have my own similar delimia. I too am in the process of buidling a rack using 1 1/8 MDF for shelves. It will be open on all sides (supported only at the corners) I also have 1" granite slabs that are to be placed on each shelf. Is this a good idea, are cones needed between the equipment and the granite for any benifets?
Thanks for any feedback.
Lgregoir, I agree with Bob and Sean. I would not want my rack, or anything else, located within the soundstage (between and behind the speakers). So I would place the rack against the back wall at a minimum (acoustic difusion may help here?).

I built a rack with which I am quite pleased: The open framework is veneered plywood and oak. The shelves, which sit on points (cone set screws at four corners) are IKEA Lak shelves. This is a recipe posted by Caterham1700 a few months ago. These shelves are attractive black finish, light, stiff, damped, and cost $10 each. Search the archives for that thread.

As to the floor coupling, do you have a wood frame floor or a concrete slab?

Try listening to the shelf and the equipment with a stethoscope. Many shelves, especially MDF, pick up and amplify the 230Hz to 350Hz range, and depending on thickness, also "boom" around 60-100Hz.

The former is from the particles themselves talking- inside the material, and that is what cones avoid touching many of.

The latter is the entire middle of the shelf going up and down, and you either straddle that motion with cones or brace the shelf or lay that hunk of maple right on the MDF, so they damp each other for that trampoline motion.

There are other solutions of course, but those are the two modes of vibration in a shelf, assuming the frame is rigid. A perfect shelf would dissapte all sounds coming into it, and that is achieved, or approached, by looking at the various acoustic impedances of all the materials involved.

Acoustic impedance must decrease as you go deeper into the material- that is how one makes sound "go away"- via no reflections. Check out this link- the Java Applet in the middle of the page.


It shows how the % reflection changes with impedance mismatches- for ultrasonics, but completely applicable to audible sounds.

Green Mountain Audio
MDF is the most boring, lifless material i have used. I have made many racks, cabinets, shelves out of many different materials. I love working with wood. I make all my furniture. I would like nothing more than to make a beautiful custom wood rack that performs as well as it looks. I have used MDF shelves with several different footers and spikes. I have filled the wood columns with lead shot and sand. I have used granite, marble, glass, corian, sand boxes, bladders, and maple. For best DIY results for me was maple. I do not mean to offend anyone with my opinions. If you have not tried comparing a Neauance board on a rack or a Sistrum rack to a well made wood rack then you are missing much in performance that will never be realized until a comparison is made. I believe both Neauance and Sistrum have a 30 day trial. IMO, these products are as important as your gear.
I have found that both Sistrum and Neauance work best spiked to the froor as opposed to sitting on a shelf.
You can never know what can be gained or lost without a comparison. My post is to help and not critize based on my never ending search for racks that perform and not degrade.
I hope all find what works best for them as i have. I find no value in opinions based without comparison or experiance.
Bob Bundus, please do not take offence from my post. I have nothing but high regards for you and your contributions.