No Audiophiles in Hollywood

A thought just came to me that a lot of movies show us the lives of fictional people doing the everyday things that real people do. However, we never see anyone sitting down and listening to a high end system.

The only thing that I can remember is when the billionaire played by Robert Redford put on an LP on what appeared to be a high end turntable in the movie "Indecent Proposal".

I have never seen exposed tubes on-screen, or an amp of any type for that matter. Big speakers, seems hifi does not fit the decor scheme of movie sets, or more realistically, audiophiles are rarer on earth than Klingons and Romulans and hollywood does not know of their existence.

It would seem that some of the well heeled actors, directors and producers would own a killer 2 channel system and periodically include one in a scene when the character has discretionary income.

We've all seen scenes with the wife complaining about the husband always watching sports, but never complaining about him pampering his hi-fi rig.

We've all seen characters with automobiles and other toys that we've envied, but never a stereo system to make you salivate.

Anyone ever see a hi-fi system onscreen worth mentioning?

Just a thought.
QUOTE: “07-24-11: Barruch86
In "The Mechanic"(remake)Jason Statham plays a pro-ject rpm 9.2 and a tube amp, not sure what it was though.”

That was funnier than hell! At this point Statham was really tolerant of the immaturity of his understudy. The kid walks up to the Turntable and starts to play with the tonearm. Statham grabs him and snaps, “Don’t EVER touch that!” – Priceless LOL
Netflix streaming had a british comedy show by Steve Coogan called "Saxondale"
He plays a retired roadie of the big 70's rock bands that has hard time with coming to terms that the good times are over (so to speak)

To make a long story short there is a funny scene where he walks into a british Hifi shop and tests the shop guys skills.

Funny and lots a modern british hifi.
In the HK movie 'Infernal Affair's' (which was remade in Hollywood as 'The Departed'), the main actor works in a Hong Kong high end audio shop, the bad guy visits and they both sit down and audition a system and they become lost for words. He then buys an expensive power cable.

You can't get much more hard core audiophile than that.

btw the original Infernal Affairs was such a good movie, that Scorsese literally just copied it scene for scene without changing that much of the original story.
The movie 'Limitless' has a scene where Brad Cooper goes to a classy apartment to score some of those designer smart drugs.

The drug dealer has a full Meridian system. Meridian electronics and the Meridian active speakers, which then are strewn all over the place after the apartment is smashed up.
Just watched the movie 'Looper' last night. Joe (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) plays a Michell Gyro SE turntable in a scene his loft. The turntable is seen playing again when he moves to a new apartment. However, no amp, preamp or speakers are present in either scene. The movie is set in the future (2074), so it must be a wireless model