Balanced Power

I have read that if one lives in a house he can make the incoming AC power balanced. They recomended to hire an electrician unless "you know what you are doing".
I am handy, I have installed a dedicated low capacitance line from the main fuse panel to my system, which made a big difference. Any experienced input to guide me to install a Balanced AC power?
Thank you.
I believe that Exactpower makes a unit that does this, for around $1k. You can't get there just by simple wiring changes to your existing house wiring; as stated above, you need an isolation transformer and they are not cheap.
Karls, what would be the purpose of an isolation transformer? Could you be thinking of a down converter?

A down converter would be required if somebody has set up a 230 volt circuit/line (balanced power) at the service panel with the intension of using that ciruit with 115 volt components.

karls -

Good point, the important thing is that you can't rewire a breaker to get balanced power.

For those that like to read, I've attached a url from Equi=Tech's website along with one paragraph:

Tphalieros, perhaps this is what your original inquiry was about. The defining paragraph states:

"Balanced AC is simply 120 Volts that has been split evenly across two AC mains. One phase is +60V while the other is -60V. The mains are always 180 degrees out of phase across the load and therefore sum to 120 Volts, the same voltage and frequency for which equipment power supplies were designed. In this case however, the reference potential (ground) has been located at the midpoint between the two mains so there is no "neutral" wire."

Hope this helps.

Stehno, there are two ways to get there: One, take your house's 240v supply and run it through a stepdown transformer wound 2:1 (240v to 120v). Or two, just pass one of the 120's through an isolation transformer (wound 1:1 with a center tap for ground). The end result is the same. One approach may be quieter than the other depending on the type and magnitude of noise on your AC lines, but it would be hard to say which would be better without trying both.